I’ve neglected the blog a bit the last couple of days; I apologize.
On Thursday we passed back by Reykjavik marking the completion of our Ring Road journey. We went north to the Snæfellsnes peninsula. While there are many beautiful things on the peninsula… by Icelandic standards, its just Icelandic. We visited the Svodufoss waterfall and then Djúpalónssandur beach. Djúpalónssandur beach is the site of a 1943 fishing trawler wreck, Something kind of unique about Iceland, they leave wreckage where it lies. So, there are large chunks of rusted metal strewn about the rocks…letting time do what they will to them.
After leaving the peninsula and heading back south we visited the Goat Farm in Háafell. They are only “open” during the summer normally. But, after a few messages back and forth they allowed us to stop by for a visit. “Goat Mama”, also know as Yohanna, gave us a tour of the goat stables and a very detailed history of the Icelandic goats. At one point they were down to only 40 goats on the entire island. Yohanna spent the last 17 years breeding and expanding the genetic pool of the Icelandic goats. It was really one of my favorite parts of the Iceland adventure.
After hanging out with the goats and making our way to Rekjanesbær near the Keflavik airport, we checked into our room and made our way to Rain for dinner. Surf and Turf! Lobster and Lamb… Mmmmhmm. We crossed the road to Paddy’s Irish pub and then headed to the local 24/7 market for a sprite. Well… we never made it to buy a Sprite as we got distracted at the LiBRARY. A bar in the local Radisson Hotel. Our Polish bartender, Pavlo, made some spectacular Whiskey Old Fashioned. We had a lot of them and closed the bar. We ended the night by drinking with the kitchen and wait staff. Was an excellent end to an excellent day.
Today, we spent the entire day in Reykjavik doing our souvenir shopping and visiting our favorite pubs from our first few days here. The Dubliner, The Drunk Rabbit, etc… Now, we are in our room, bags packed, finishing off our booze…. feeling a bit reminiscent of our last two weeks. I have a feeling our next adventure will be to Poland.
When in Iceland… drink with the Polish. Well, then why not just go to Poland?